by brittany stager

My daily randomness
Welcome. Come on in!
Hi there, my name is Britt and I am the creator and storyteller behind My Daily Randomness. In this little corner of the internet, I write about design, art, home decor, food, work, and of course {this complicated thing called} life. Come on in and stay a while.
what will you find here?
This website will be your go-to source for all things lifestyle – from food to home decor and everything in between! But don’t worry – I’ll always keep it personal with hints on how we embrace the randomness of life as a family of three.

Need some help putting together a home decor plan that won’t break the bank? Find decorating and design projects with step-by-step instructions, tutorials, and helpful tips & tricks to guide your decisions, inspire your design, and save you time and money.
A representation of my everyday life and interests! From DIYs and gift guides to fashion and motherhood, you’ll find a variety of lifestyle topics to inspire and motivate you.
Whether you’re busy, looking for a quick and simple meal or you’re just bored at home, I have the perfect recipe for you. From brunch to lunch, dinner, and desserts – I’ve got it all!
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meet britt
Creator / Storyteller
I started this blog in January 2009 as a Photo Project 365 Blog. Over the past 12 years it evolved into something so much more… a place where I could showcase my designs, talk about trends, lust over fashion, drool over food, document my travels, and share my experience as a mom.