My Top 7
1. I am still eating all the leftover butter cookies that I made last weekend for the Style at Home Cookie Swap… since I have eaten most of them myself, it’s safe to say that in the past week I have eaten almost half a block of butter… Ugh! when you put it that way….

2. Ok, I know I said last week was the last time I was going to run outside, but +5C isn’t really all that cold… once you get used to it…
3. I put my Canadian Christmas Swap gift in the mail yesterday. I am pretty excited about all the things I included. I love making homemade gifts, and this one was packed with my clay ornaments, a few sweet treats, a print, and a little sample of one of my favourite perfumes… which I almost didn’t want to part with.

4. Finally got new sunglasses… which will not only come in handy for my trip in January, but have been put to good use this week… Two days of sunshine? Heck yes!

5. I made chili in the slow-cooker for the first time, ever, on Wednesday. I was a little afraid that I was going to come home to a dried up hunk of meat-loaf, but it actually turned out great! I’ll be sharing the recipe next week!
6. Finishing & delivering the project that Amanda and I had been working on together for the past 2 weeks. I’m so proud of her for doing such a phenomenal job! You can take a look at all of her renderings for the project on her blog.

7. A lot of BIG changes are happening in my life right now… pretty much in all areas. I can’t tell you exactly what is happening yet {partially because I am not too sure}, but I can tell you it involves love, house and job… and it’s all for the better!
Hope you all have a great weekend, up to anything special?