
Moving Day Recap: Part 1

I guess I should have done this a while ago… but with everything going on, I just couldn’t find the time… and now it has turned into several giant posts… read on if you dare!

Here we go, the dreaded moving day recap!

Saturday December 26th – Boxing Day
Yes, Boxing Day at approximately 8:30pm was when I started packing (talk about leaving it to the last minute!). After a family Christmas dinner at my Aunts house, I came home to boxes. I packed up as much stuff as I could then went to bed… lots of stuff remained unpacked.

Sunday December 27th
Sunday morning I woke up and headed to the house to meet my dad to work on the baseboards and chair rail installation in the living room.

My main concern was were the hell I was going to put all my furniture with this mess…

We got most of it set aside and ready for everything to me moved in the next day… BUT, the living room still remained unpainted, and there is nothing I hate more than painting around furniture… especially in a room that is cramped full of building supplies!

Luckily my new appliances (fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer & dryer) all arrived on time… bad news was that the fridge door was never adjusted (like it was suppose to be Leon’s) and swung the wrong way into the kitchen… ggggrrrrr these little thing erk me… So mashed into my kitchen was all the new appliances and the old ones, which were not at all suitable for anyone to be using…

“Lesson Learned Side Story”: Since I knew from day one that I was not going to use the appliances that were coming with the house, I should have made a condition in my offer… “owners to remove the old appliances”… because now I was left with the headache of getting rid of them myself.

My plan was to sell the fridge & stove on Kijiji, but when I opened up the stove to take a picture I realized that it was missing that inside piece of insulating glass… wtf?… I deemed it unsafe, and helped my dad load it into his truck to take it to the dump! As for the old fridge… Refrigerator Round-Up! Unfortunately they were very busy and could only schedule a pick-up for January 8th… so that meant almost 2 weeks with the old ugly fridge in the middle of my kitchen.

To make matters worst the floor in the basement was sooooo incredible crooked that the legs on the washer and dryer, even when jacked right up, still didn’t allow them to sit level… then came the awful discovery that the taps for the washer hook up were completely rusted/corroded shut!

This is a side story we will save for another day… 😉

By the end of the day it seemed like I had made no progress… and once again I was exhausted! I don’t remember what I did later that night… I think I went back to my apartment and passed out into some type of coma…

*Read Part 2 Here*

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