Shrimp Tacos with Spicy Corn Salsa
Can we talk about one very important issue? Mexican food. Or the lack-there-of in my regular meal schedule. How did I let this happen? It’s like Mexican cuisine completely dropped off my radar.

But something miraculous happened this week. “J” saw a commercial for shrimp tacos and requested them for dinner. This is miraculous in two ways. 1) It’s not very often that “J” actually tells me what he wants for dinner. Most of the time I ask, he responds with “I dunno, whatever you make is fine.” It’s like pulling teeth. And 2) I love Mexican food. So I was all, “um duh, yes we can! Mexican food is only my most favourite thing. Ever.”

So last night I made Shrimp Tacos with Spicy Corn Salsa. And there is a chance I may be making this every night for weeks to come. Yes it’s that good.

And no, unfortunately this fresh salsa is not made with tomatoes from our garden. Week after week “J” tells me, “we should have tomatoes next week!” Um no. We don’t. So sadly these tomatoes are from No Frills. Nevertheless, it’s still a killer salsa.