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Decorating with Antlers

Feathers, rocks, skulls, driftwood, and antlers – the trend of bringing natural elements into the home is not a new one, but I am just now starting to take notice of how striking these pieces can be when showcased in the right way.

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Ever since my shopping trip last summer to Cornerstone in Cambridge, I have been on the lookout for some authentic deer antlers. It didn’t hit me until the night of the sump pump incident that my dad (who was deer hunting at the time he received my panicked call) might have some deer antlers lying around.

On Saturday “J” and I headed out to his house for dinner, where I asked him if he had any old deer antlers…

He didn’t have any deer antlers, but he did have these moose antlers! These beauties have now made their way into my home*, and rest atop my reclaimed rail cart coffee table. A real conversation piece.

What natural elements do you have in your home?

*I was able to talk my dad into giving me these antlers under one condition… I was not allowed to lose them. Apparently they have some sentimental value as they came from the first, and only, moose he has ever shot while hunting. And yes, we did eat the moose.

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