Spring Painting, Touch-Ups, and A Series of Unfortunate Events
Finally, finally, finally I got motivated enough to start painting again!
From little wall touch-ups… to patching, and sanding and painting the ceiling in my bathroom…. and taking on the task of painting my gigantic stairway/landing…. It’s finished!!
I spent all day Saturday inside working away… I’m glad I have some free time to finish up projects like this now… {it seemed like Amanda’s wedding was taking up a lot of my {spare} weekend time}… it was long over due! The ceiling in the bathroom had been literally crumbling and falling apart for almost 8 months… and my gigantic stairway/landing had drywall patches all over since I first moved in… not very nice to look at…
I’m happy it’s all finished and that I don’t have to look at drywall patches anymore!! I think this coming weekend I will be touching-up all the trim which has been waiting for a coat of white paint for over a year…
I am also in the market for a new light for the stairwell… As you can see, the one that is currently there looks like something straight out of the 70’s… Any suggestions?
Side Story: A Series of Unfortunate Events
Even though I got a lot done Saturday, it was really one of those days where I should have just stayed in bed… I knew the day was going to turn sour as soon as I left the house… I quickly realized that I had left my phone in the house, along with my house key {ya I’m a doofus!!}… Lucky for me my sister has a spare key, but alas I couldn’t call her because I didn’t have my phone… So, I drive to her house – she’s not there… So I drive to her boyfriends house… Boy did I feel like a real ass ringing the doorbell at 9:15 in the morning on a Saturday… She gave me my key and I went on my merry way to pick up a can of paint at Home Depot….
I then managed to get into a little fender-bender in the Home Depot parking lot… As I was backing out of my parking spot, so was the guy directly behind me… The angle of our cars and where our bumpers hit, would have suggested that I was backing out first, but hey, I’m not going to stand in the HD parking lot arguing with a guy by myself, so we called it even… more damage was done to my car unfortunately {I am going to get a quote on it today}… guess I won’t be getting carpet this year…
Have you had unfinished projects that were pushed aside for months?